Disk Mbytes per second: Network Mbytes per second: Connected guests: Open databases: Cache swap %: Cache hit %: Disk Kbytes per second: Network Kbytes per second: Transactions per second: guests of files in “^1” Close files in folder “^1” all guests guests of “^1” “^2” Minutes until guest forced to disconnect: Minutes until guests forced to disconnect: Message to send to guest: Message to send to connected guests: UNUSED “^1” is no longer available or the host capacity has been exceeded. Sorry, the administration password is incorrect. Please start over. The host was unable to open file “^1”. Please check its log file for an explanation. Host currently unavailable Disconnect guest “^2” from “^1” Disconnect guest “^2” from all files The command could not be completed at this time. Please try again. Close file “^1” Sorry, the administration password is incorrect. You may try again. Guest: Guest/Database: Folder/Database: Database: Connected for: Idle for: Number of guests: